Monday, March 24, 2008

7 Diamonds

You guys certainly put out.
- potential client

Are you kidding me? This is supposed to be the motivation which keeps me working hard? I am not too terribly motivated via the carrot and stick method. Yes, bonus is a tremendous motivation. But, at the same time, it still is not a majority of my motivation. But when it comes to being jerked around and being thanked in such a manner as that which opens this entry, it does become hard to maintain motivation. Alas, I return to work for the very same potential client who jerks us around and makes me feel as worthy as "Kristen" aka A.A. Dupree.

Your fearless Analyst friend.......


Unknown said...

Once more into the breach, eh?

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Arbitrageur said...

Hey man, Dupre made cash money, and she took it up the butt a lot less than your average IB-analyst. A hug.